Last Chance Grabs!
PS Plus: Free Games For September PlayStation Plus have announced their free games for September 2017. The two big titles this ...
PS Plus: Free Games For September PlayStation Plus have announced their free games for September 2017. The two big titles this ...
Xbox Games with Gold have announced their line up for October! The games that stand out are The Turing Test ...
PS Plus have announced their Free Games line up for October! The two big titles are MGS V: The Phantom ...
Psyonix’s Rocket League is only a week away from its Autumn Update. I am so pumped about this update as ...
I woke to see a bit of light streaking in from the window, I blinked and gather my wits… “I’m awake!?” Quickly I shifted my gaze to the alarm clock sitting on the windowsill, it was 4:20am. This was it! I sat up and reflected on this wondrous situation, should I go back to sleep or go downstairs to play on the Playstation? The decision was swiftly made and I quickly got dressed and snook out of my bedroom, avoiding the creaky floorboards just outside of the bathroom, skipped over the weirdly placed landing before continuing the descent like an expert. There was no noise, I was like a ninja, a master of the shadows, this was going to be my moment! Skillfully I made it down the stairs and turned around the corner into the living room, in all my excitement I didn’t realise that the tv was already on and ...
As I contemplated writing my first ever blog entry I have an equal mix of excitement and sheer terror. I looked online for examples of HOW to write a first blog post; where do I start, what do I say, who am I even talking to at this point? From all that research I discovered something…none of that shit helps, so here I am, going with my Plan B of just start writing and see where it goes. Let’s start with some introductions. I’m Paul, but henceforth will be going under the name GamingDad. By that you should probably already have a good idea of what you should expect to see here in the future, but I’ll lay it out plain for you. I, like a lot of geeks who managed to trick someone into marrying them often struggle with the balance of desperately wanting to devote ...
Another quiet evening to myself – what to do? Well, there’s one of several Christmas projects I’m in the middle of, the Christmas card ideas I haven’t drafted any ideas for yet or the outfit I’ve foolishly decided to make myself for a party I’m hosting at New Years. This particular Friday night has been spent printing off a dress pattern that I’m intending to customise for the aforementioned party. Usually I’d draft my own on pattern paper, but naturally I’ve run out of that. So thirty four pages of A4 and a roll of sellotape later, I’ve got my pattern laid out on my cramped study floor – Sunday afternoon will be pinning it to lining fabric and making the inevitable adjustments, as nothing is a perfect fit. Pictures will follow. In the meantime, having caused my back to ache by stooping over to tape my pattern together and suffering a ...
Mild panic time – the dress making timetable has been moved up somewhat. Turns out I have some corporate awards thing I need to go to in November and because I hate shopping, I figure I’ll use the dress for that as well, even if it does cut a month off my making time. My overlocker and I had a long conversation about its behaviour and we seem to have reached an agreement that it will behave itself on the condition that I won’t constantly swear at it. A successful row of serging later and it was rewarded with a “Get in, you beauty!” Anyway, I’ve stopped dithering – I’ve ordered all the trimmings that I need for it and I’m cracking on. Next quandary is do I need new shoes to go with this or shall I just stuff some DMs on underneath it? In fairness, I’m no stranger to ...
I’m (patiently) awaiting the delivery of my bias piping in order to continue the dress, I finally came up with a design for this years’ Christmas cards. They’re crochet based (shocker) to match the (frankly alarming) amount of crochet gifts I’m making this year. I’ll post pictures of them when I have a finished product – in the meantime I’m crocheting 20 tiny Christmas wreaths. 6 down, 14 to go. I’ll be honest, aside from little projects like this, I can really get sick of making the same thing over and over again. Not that that’s stopped me from doing exactly that. A few years ago, I did try to make a go of crafting as a business, but sadly it never really got anywhere. I had an etsy store, I did the craft fair rounds and had a permanent spot in a local shop. I never got very far with ...