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Games with Gold free Xbox Games for October

Xbox Games with Gold have announced their line up for October! The games that stand out are The Turing Test and Rayman 3 HD, Rayman brings some serious nostalgic vibes as does Medal of Honor. The Turing Test looks to be offering something different into the mix, but the overall

PS Plus: Free Games For October

PS Plus have announced their Free Games line up for October! The two big titles are MGS V: The Phantom Pain and Amensia: Collection. I quite like the look of Amnesia, its definitely not a game that I would choose to purchase, but it looks good and I know I

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PS Plus: Free Games For September PlayStation Plus have announced their free games for September 2017. The two big titles this month are Infamous: Second Son and Child of Light There’s also a bonus game for PlayStation VR Owners! You guys will be able to get the highly anticipated RIGS Mechanized

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