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Air Dry Vegetation

Mild panic time – the dress making timetable has been moved up somewhat. Turns out I have some corporate awards thing I need to go to in November and because I hate shopping, I figure I’ll use the dress for that as well, even if it does cut a month

Gaming Dad Blog Zero

As I contemplated writing my first ever blog entry I have an equal mix of excitement and sheer terror. I looked online for examples of HOW to write a first blog post; where do I start, what do I say, who am I even talking to at this point? From

Who Watches the Craftsmen?

To be brutally honest, I’ve done very little in the way of crafting recently – I’ve been indulging my history geek side and spending a week in Athens. Much sun, lots of good food and one brand new textbook later and I’m back in the inevitable UK autumn. I did

Getting Hooked

I’ve spent my afternoon getting re-acquainted with my dress-makers dummy. I love this thing – I honestly don’t know how I ever made clothes or cosplay without it! I’ve pinned, cut and re-cut my lining fabric for that dress, so I’m happy enough now to order the main fabric and

Gaming Memories Pt.1

I woke to see a bit of light streaking in from the window, I blinked and gather my wits… “I’m awake!?” Quickly I shifted my gaze to the alarm clock sitting on the windowsill, it was 4:20am. This was it! I sat up and reflected on this wondrous situation, should

Zombie Fangirl

Another quiet evening to myself – what to do? Well, there’s one of several Christmas projects I’m in the middle of, the Christmas card ideas I haven’t drafted any ideas for yet or the outfit I’ve foolishly decided to make myself for a party I’m hosting at New Years. This

Games with Gold free Xbox Games for October

Xbox Games with Gold have announced their line up for October! The games that stand out are The Turing Test and Rayman 3 HD, Rayman brings some serious nostalgic vibes as does Medal of Honor. The Turing Test looks to be offering something different into the mix, but the overall

PS Plus: Free Games For October

PS Plus have announced their Free Games line up for October! The two big titles are MGS V: The Phantom Pain and Amensia: Collection. I quite like the look of Amnesia, its definitely not a game that I would choose to purchase, but it looks good and I know I

Last Chance Grabs!

PS Plus: Free Games For September PlayStation Plus have announced their free games for September 2017. The two big titles this month are Infamous: Second Son and Child of Light There’s also a bonus game for PlayStation VR Owners! You guys will be able to get the highly anticipated RIGS Mechanized

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