
Merry Grootmas!

For those of you that remember the crazy idea of last year’s crocheted Christmas cards, I bring you ANOTHER crocheted card … technically. Earlier this year, I found this Groot inspired crochet pattern from twinkie chan and made a couple for some Groot fans ready for Christmas. Then, as the

Christmas Crochet

It’s that time of year again. So many gifts to make, so little time! I have now officially made everything, printed and written out my cards, wrapped everything (which took almost a whole day) and now I can stop caring. I’m putting off decorating as long as possible, because frankly,

A brief interlude via a haystack

So cosplay progress is slowing due to the insidious creeping approach of Christmas. I’m spending all my spare time either making gifts, shopping for gifts or shopping for things to make gifts. It’s a bit of pain in the neck, truth be told. And I’ve decided at this key juncture

Fuzzy Fizzgig

In the absence of progress on my cosplay project (desperately trying to raise funds in order to afford materials!), I’ve been keeping myself occupied by making some adorable Dark Crystal companions. Who didn’t love Fizzgig in that movie? The smaller one I’m turning into a key chain – the bigger

Practicing my scales

I’m sure you’ve all missed me for the whole week I didn’t post – I was enjoying some much needed RNR so I went off grid for a bit. But it wouldn’t be a Lulu holiday if I didn’t return with some amazing new project to show off to y’all!

Pull up a chair

I want to say it’s officially spring, but I don’t dare considering the horrendous weather of February and March! However, it is APRIL which marks the approach of my wedding anniversary (thankfully the weather was better back then!) When I got married, we didn’t have a great deal of money,

Easter Bob-Bunny

Aside from it essentially being another excuse (like it’s needed) to stuff one’s face, we don’t really celebrate Easter. Only two of our household actually like chocolate with any real enthusiasm and one of THOSE is on a diet anyway! So it’s often non-traditional gifts of pies and crisps. Though

The giant bear has landed

A quick post this week to say … I finished the giant zombie bear!! It’s huge, heavy and great for cuddles. I weighted his feet and belly so he’ll stand under his own power. I suspect I’ll be making more of these. I haven’t decided whether to keep this chap

The Mother of all Ponchos

You might be wondering why I haven’t posted any crafty makes of late. Well that’d be because I (again, stupidly) decided to take on another overly ambitious project for no good reason. In January I thought I’d make my mother a top for Mother’s Day because she likes cover-ups with

New Year, new project

Happy inevitable passing of time, everyone! The dress has fulfilled it’s initial purpose – party was great fun. We did Murder in the Thirties this year – was a pretty tricky one this time. We’ve done quite a few now – I think this one was the least hammy and

Selection Box – Week 4 of Advent Blogs

  It’s Christmas!!! *Slumps in exhaustion* I’d have more enthusiasm if I hadn’t spent 2 days baking several kanellangd, a parfait and then cooked Christmas dinner today … Today, as a special treat, I thought I’d give you a bumper pack of Christmas crafts. I’ve deliberately restrained myself from posting

Last Hit

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