You might be wondering why I haven’t posted any crafty makes of late. Well that’d be because I (again, stupidly) decided to take on another overly ambitious project for no good reason. In January I thought I’d make my mother a top for Mother’s Day because she likes cover-ups with bat-wing sleeves and I thought “oooh crochet poncho”.
Now, those of you that crochet might be reading this and rolling your eyes at me. I’d agree with you. I’ve got a callous on the palm of one hand from where my little finger was resting and I’ve pretty removed the top layer of skin from my index finger where the yarn rests when I’m working. I even had to set myself times – like, I need to do 2 hours a day, everyday for so many days in order to finish it on time.
Don’t get me wrong, it looks great. And you’d think I’d have learned my lesson, but no. Watch this space for stupid idea number two.
And I promise the giant zombie bear is on it’s way EVENTUALLY. His limbs are done and sitting in a bag, quietly judging my inability to finish him because I’m too busy doing other (stupid) things.
For those of you who have mothers and love them, I hope you gave them a hug this mother’s day. And for those of you (like me) who are mothers, take every single advantage you can get out of the day. It might be the only day off you’re likely to get!