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The giant bear has landed

A quick post this week to say … I finished the giant zombie bear!! It’s huge, heavy and great for cuddles. I weighted his feet and belly so he’ll stand under his own power. I suspect I’ll be making more of these. I haven’t decided whether to keep this chap

The Mother of all Ponchos

You might be wondering why I haven’t posted any crafty makes of late. Well that’d be because I (again, stupidly) decided to take on another overly ambitious project for no good reason. In January I thought I’d make my mother a top for Mother’s Day because she likes cover-ups with

The Shape of Valentine’s

I realise Valentine’s Day has been and gone, but technically it’s still February so this counts! I’m not one for splashing out on Valentine’s Day, but I do think that it’s a good excuse to do something with someone (or some people) you care about. And yes, I know, I

Funky foam

So I’m now making a giant-version of the zombie bear because … I can? I’m racking up a list of possible projects (none of which I can really afford to do) which include: A scale 1:1 ewok Ludo from Labyrinth Porgs Ewok hoods/scarves An Alice: The Madness Returns cosplay Anybody

New Year, new project

Happy inevitable passing of time, everyone! The dress has fulfilled it’s initial purpose – party was great fun. We did Murder in the Thirties this year – was a pretty tricky one this time. We’ve done quite a few now – I think this one was the least hammy and

Selection Box – Week 4 of Advent Blogs

  It’s Christmas!!! *Slumps in exhaustion* I’d have more enthusiasm if I hadn’t spent 2 days baking several kanellangd, a parfait and then cooked Christmas dinner today … Today, as a special treat, I thought I’d give you a bumper pack of Christmas crafts. I’ve deliberately restrained myself from posting

Cracking Time – Week 1 of Advent Blogs

Better late than never! Here begin my advent blogs in the lead up to Christmas! We’re having friends over for Christmas dinner, which is lovely because we all like similar things and generally have a fantastic time. My close friends are my family as far as I’m concerned anyway. So

The big reveal

Its 8:30pm on a Friday night – I’ve done a full day at work, come home, cooked a roast dinner, washed up, made dessert and in return? I get kicked out of my living room because the kids want to watch season 2 of Stranger Things and I’m not interested.

Creepy crochet and overlocker horror

My piping arrived! I tacked it onto the dress, put one sleeve in and it looks brilliant. Tried it on to get the positioning right for the next bit … and the left top section that’s supposed to fold down is 4 inches too short. Face palm. After scrapping around

No pain, no gain kupo

I’m (patiently) awaiting the delivery of my bias piping in order to continue the dress, I finally came up with a design for this years’ Christmas cards. They’re crochet based (shocker) to match the (frankly alarming) amount of crochet gifts I’m making this year. I’ll post pictures of them when

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